Monday, December 19, 2011

PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box

If you're looking for PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box Save Price, then pull up the chair and buckle down for the next few minutes because we will recommend you for PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box that you've been looking for.
PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box

PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box

by PetSafe

List Price: $129.99
Usually ships in 24 hours.

PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box Overviews

Possibly the feline's new secret weapon for hedging out the canine as man's best friend, this automatic, self-cleaning litter box is always fresh, odor-free and ready for use. Working around the clock, the Simply Clean litter box is the only cat litter system that cleans and removes waste continuously and automatically. The system is quiet and simple to use, and even cleans without disturbing the cat while she's taking care of business.The litter box rotates slowly (once every 24 hours) while an internal filtering system pans scat out of the kitty litter, and conveyers it away into a hopper lined with a recycled plastic shopping bag. That means all you've gotta do is close the bag and discard. No more holding your breath while you dump the litter box contents into a trash bag.

Designed for cats weighing up to 12 pounds, the cleaning action runs 24 hours a days so that odor-causing bacteria are reduced. With no tools required for assembly, and no moving parts to catch the cat's fur, the unit packs along easily on trips and is safe to use; setting up in minutes for cats on the "go". The automatic reduction in smell not only means less maintenance, it lets you keep the litter box in places you wouldn't have wanted it before. It also reduces the amount of litter boxes multiple cat owners typically have to use. Quiet operation lets the cat hop in right away without hesitation or fear.

What customer said about PetSafe Simply Clean Continuous-Clean Litter Box

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